
事業所: 3Dplane

【The Geometry of GOLF】 9. The way to NC(Numerical Control) Golf

NC golf is an abbreviation for Numerical Control golf. Numerical control is to control all elements as numerical values. In other words, the elements of the swing are quantified, and the ball is carried to the target by swinging toward the numerical target. The elements of the swing that are numerically controlled are the head speed, face angle, attack angle, and club path. In the case of NC golf, first decide the club to use in consideration of the distance to the target, wind, etc., then decide the target head speed, club path, face angle, attack angle, and if you can swing and hit a ball according to the target. It may possible to bring it within 1 yard near the target. For example, if you aim at a pin with 155 yards, no height difference, no wind, and a straight ball, the impact loft is 31 degrees if the club loft used is an 8 iron with 36 degrees, the head speed is 38 m/s, and the attack angle is -5 degrees. Will be. If the face angle and club path are straight in the pin direction and the swing plane is 60 degrees, the swing direction is 3 degrees to the left of the pin. If you can swing according to this target, the ball will almost carry to the pin. Next, if you draw 155 yards to the same pin and draw 5 yards under the same conditions to aim for the pin, the club used is No. 8 with the same loft 36 degrees, the face angle is 5 yards to the right of the pin, and the club pass is that. It will be 7.5 yards further to the right. If the attack angle is -5 degrees, the swing plane is 60 degrees and the swing direction is 3 degrees to the left. Impact loft closes the face 3 degrees, so if the lie angle is 60 degrees, it will decrease by 1 degree to 30 degrees. Therefore, the carry will be extended by about 2.5 yards, so the head speed should be 37.5 m/s. The ball will then come out to the right, but will draw 5 yards and carry to near the pin. Unless you practice to control the head speed in 0.5 m/s units, you can’t aim within 1 yard near the pin. In addition, it is necessary to practice to control the attack angle in 1 degree increments with an error of ± 0.5 degrees or less. In practice, you must constantly monitor the head speed and attack angle, and train so that you can swing with the target value even in actual round. Still, on the actual course, there are few flat lie and the grass on which the ball is placed varies. It is unlikely that it will be completely windless. Aiming within a yard near the pin in very good conditions may not be possible many times in a round. However, to play under par on a tournament-style hard, sloped green, you must built your golf system so that you can carry the ball within 1 yards to the target. In golf, which relies on players’ feeling, it is impossible to win the PGA tournaments, especially the majors.

最終更新日:2021-04-13 18:02:20



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